Monday, November 12, 2007

Misconceptions of traditional Agriculture

During the last few weeks I have been seeing that in some mainstream TV shows they have been depicting a negative and wrong picture of what traditional agriculture is.

I believe it was the show before House called Bones. Its pretty sad that a program that tries to claims some scientific background to it got it so wrong.

I have been working in agriculture since 1987 and believe that todays modern food production technology has been a major factor to the growth of our race as a whole.

I know and believe I have seen it in my travels the ugly side of todays systems. But if we are to succeed I am strong believer in the concept of SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE.

"Sustainable agriculture refers to the ability of a farm to produce food indefinitely, without causing irreversible damage to ecosystem health."

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Anonymous said...

If I put a dime aside every time a TV series got its facts mixed up, I would be a wealthy man by now.

ThirtyWhat said...

It's a shame. Today's farmers are so much more in tune with the environment than anyone gives them credit for. For instance, local farmers have used planting techniques that fight erosion and runoff for YEARS.

Perhaps if people would take a walk down to the "Water Shed" area of Happy Hollow when they visit the State Fair, they would get a better idea of how our agricultural community is using sustainable agriculture techniques to improve our world.